Friday, October 2, 2015


Yes, we have carts of iPads and laptops that allow students to access digital print, but one of our most precious forms of technology here at St. Paul’s is also one of the oldest.... our books!

Over the summer we moved our library to a new, warm, and inviting space. We also expanded our collection by purchasing over 12,000 additional books (the entire library at Whatcom Day Academy), which were distributed to our Preschool, Lower School and Middle/High School libraries.

This year we are also starting a Library Guild, which will help keep our libraries going strong by assisting with book purchasing, cataloging, and running the Markell Hall library. They will also be setting up and running the Scholastic Book Fair at the Lower School on Oct. 7th-20th. If you would like to join the Library Guild please contact Anita Austin 

With all of these opportunities to be exposed to print it is no wonder we have so many students who love to read! Today I saw a girl getting out of her car in the morning while reading, and a boy on the playground couldn’t put his book down because he was so enthralled.

Another great reason we have a library is that students tend to visit the same websites and read similar types of digital print, but if they visit the library they tend to choose something new that catches their eye. They have a librarian to make new recommendations and push them out of their comfort zones. Our library is the reading testing ground, which is full of new genres to explore.

Discovering your reading taste takes exposure to many types of literature. Our aim is for students to leave St. Paul’s with a love of reading whether using new or old technology!

"A sanctuary, a mine of treasure, a house of maps to secret lives in secret worlds… the library became my other home.” - Joy Cowley

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