Friday, January 23, 2015


Curiosity is something we foster here at St. Paul’s. One of the ways we do this is by encouraging our students to look closer at our world through science. We not only have science class time at all our grade levels but we are also host to the Whatcom County Science Fair. If you have not yet picked up a science fair packet and application from our front office, you should. Doing a science fair project not only builds curiosity but also confidence, and helps students master the scientific process.

When I think back to all the projects I did as a child (lemon as a battery, ocean water to salt, flowers and food coloring) none were particularly difficult or elaborate but they were all projects based on questions I had about the world around me. Finding the answer to a mystery makes science rewarding. Science fair participants must research their question, learn and apply the scientific method, and think about the meaning of their results. Some students may get so excited about a project, they will want to bring it to the State Science Fair in Bremerton.

Whether students are competing at our fair, the state level, or just participating in classroom-based projects (see pictures below), science is a way for students to demonstrate curiosity, self-learning, critical thinking, and other important skills and traits.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Inspiration cannot come from one's self; it takes a community to inspire students to accomplish great things. One way we are encouraging students is by providing inspirational speakers for each of our Core Commitments.

Today, grades 3-12 heard a speaker who addressed the Core Commitment of “caring.” Our guest started a non-profit organization (Evangeline International) that provides wells and water protection to people in Ethiopia. Her inspirational story encouraged our students to look for ways to make the world a better place.

In November, we had our first SPA talk that focused on the Core Commitment of “engagement.” Brandon Nelson, a Guinness book record-holder, inspired students to push themselves, and work hard to reach their goals.

Throughout the year, we will be inviting more guests to foster student enthusiasm for achieving our Core Commitments. Parents are always welcome to attend.

What better way to model caring, reflecting, creating, and engaging than to have real life people share their real life lessons and experiences? Inspiring students is something we strive to do in whatever way possible.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! With the calendar turning to a new year we tend to reflect on the past and on the road ahead. Here at St. Paul’s we are also reflecting on our successes, areas of improvement, and providing new enhancements for the future.

Next school year, we will be modifying our middle school program to include 5th grade. Being at beautiful Markell Hall allows our 5th graders to have better space and access to more prospects. Instead of walking across the street to receive Music, PE, or use the science lab, it will be just a stroll down the hallway. Art and Spanish will also be provided for them. Additionally, it will allow us to create a true middle school program that focuses on academic excellence, teamwork, and problem solving.

So what does this mean for our Lower School? This means it will contain grades K-4, allowing us to provide better space for our students. With two classrooms free, we can create an art room, and a science lab. These two rooms will provide more flexibility, creativity, and space for our students.

I am very excited for a new calendar year, but even more excited for all of the great changes that will be good for St. Paul’s and great for our students in the new school year.