Friday, May 22, 2015

Head of School for a Day

From the desk of Head of School for the day Will Carten (1st grader):

Things I like about our school are that teachers are really nice and Family Fun night is awesome (that's how I won Head of School).

This week at St. Paul’s Academy we are to do an art project where we are going to make bodies and tails and then combine them and make one crazy monster! We are also going to sing at a concert on Wednesday. One of the songs is about a train and a 'spring is here' song.

Today as Head of School I:

1. Greeted all the classrooms

2. Went and looked at classrooms. I looked for good behavior and the teacher being nice, and if the teacher's desk was messy or not messy and if the kids' cubbies/lockers were messy.

3. I had a bunch of recesses to look at. I had kids as my guards at recess.

4. Lunch with the teachers was pretty exciting. We talked about sports and Mrs. Roth’s dog's hurt back.

5. Then the power went off. I loved that, that was awesome. I carried a flash light around to help kids.

6. Then we had a fire drill. I pulled the lever. 

7. I went and helped with an art project. 

8. I passed out Dum Dums because the classes did a good job. 

9. I think that being the Head of School is amazing and awesome!