Friday, February 27, 2015


A retired public school teacher taught my first elementary education class in college. Each day she would sternly remind us early educators, to never use the word ‘fun.’

“Fun is not a word you use when talking about your classroom. You can use educational, stimulating, or rigorous but never say fun,” she would often lecture.

During my first year of teaching I was very careful not to use this “f” word when speaking to parents. Until one day a parent said, “The best thing I like about your class is that my son learns a lot while having fun.”

It was then that it clicked- of course most parents want their children to see school as a fun place! Yes, academics should be our primary concern, but the ability of a school to inject joy into education is what keeps our students smiling each day.

We want our students to think of St. Paul’s as a fun place to attend school. Next week, we are having a Dr. Seuss themed reading week, to stress the importance of being a life long reader. There will be stories, an assembly, dress up days, door decorating and…you guessed it: fun!

Fun is not a word used to describe all schools, but it is a word I hope students use to describe our school.

All school field trip to the Trampoline Zone
 as part of our Lower  School Fitness Day

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