Friday, January 12, 2018

Helping Hands

 I could hear the glee from my office yesterday. I had to go and check out what was happening at our school. When I turned the corner it was like there was a celebrity in our building because students were pointing and shouting with excitement. What could cause this joy? Our brand new drinking fountain!

One of our parents graciously donated a fountain that not only filters the water but also has a bottle filler. This was so kind and thoughtful, and exciting for our parched students.

I also had a similar experience last month when our new basketball hoops were hung in the gym. Students (and our PE teacher) love that they no longer have to aim at the paper hoops Mrs. V would hang up during our basketball unit.

Why am I mentioning these two fantastic new additions to our school? Because seeing a need and helping fill it is the best way parents can make our school the best it can be. This may not always be a physical object, but it might be volunteering to read in your child's classroom, or picking up a scrap of paper left in the hall. There are many ways to help.

Together we can all make our space and community an exciting, safe, and fun place to be!

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