Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fall Festival, Halloween and Hidden Treasures

If you have somehow missed what time of year it is all you have to do is walk into the Lower School to be reminded. We are bursting with Halloween spirit! The 8th grade parents have spent hours decorating for tomorrow’s Fall Festival and it looks AMAZING! There will be new games, Thai food generously provided by On Rice and a pumpkin decorating contest to name just a few of the fun things you can expect. Rumor has it there will also be a “Pie in the Face” raffle where students can buy tickets to win a chance to toss a pie at the face of some of their favorite people. I may or may not have been nominated to participate although I can’t imagine a student who would want to throw a pie at me. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow night. I hope to see you there.

Part of the Fall Festival includes students being able to dress up in their Halloween costumes. Usually I just throw on a Halloween themed t-shirt and call it good. This year I am going to have to up my game and actually come up with a costume. Dressing up for Halloween is a much bigger deal here than at the preschool. How can I tell? Well because I get asked daily by students what I am planning on wearing. After a trip to Joann Fabrics I’m sure I’ll come up with something to pass muster. I am looking forward to seeing all of the kids in their costumes since I have been hearing about them for weeks.

The 4th grade classes were supposed to go to a corn maze on Thursday, but because of the wind and rain last weekend all the corn fell over and the field trip was cancelled. What a bummer! Our students were so disappointed to miss this annual tradition. As “The Funistrator” I needed to come up with a fun activity for them to do instead. So I wrote a scavenger hunt for each class. I asked the 4th grade teachers what they were working on in class and wrote clues based on these topics (skeletal system, place values, Washington State, Non-Fiction, etc). I thought it would maybe take them an hour to finish if I was lucky. However, I am happy to say that after an hour and ½ they’re still going strong. You’ll have to ask one of them if they had as much fun as going to the corn maze.

Another great week in the books!

Anna Johnson

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